Fuckin. Farm. Heroes. Saga
If I shall choose between a life of society and a life of isolation, I choose the latter. But humankind as such cannot do without the former, the chance is denied to me.
I dream of a house, amongst the wilderness, a no-man's land, where I can be myself, where no social obligations may provoke me to do things contradictory to who I am....
To see their faces, their firmly convinced faces that what they say is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, is saddening, and yet at the same time... hilarious.
The conviction at which some people express their ignorance is profoundly astounding. Even a teacher, a University lecturer famed for her wisdom is vulnerable to this pretense.
I felt free, and yet I don't. Is there a problem with me? Or is it a problem of being free?
This feeling of alienation is imprinted deep within my skin, a permanent mark...
The fire that burns in youth's loins, ravages even the coldest hearts. In a moment of frenzy, we are dragged along in their endless journey, a journey with no destination.
It's such a sad thing actually, to live and yet not know how to.