207Friends 125Fans
female Woodlands, Singapore
I'm ShiewWeiLun's precious girl♥
and he'll be my last cruel temptation
Withluvs ; 12April2009♥

It takes years to know me ,
AngelineLTing says
14 years ago 1
becuz , in fact , i cant feel thys way . and i shouldnt . so i shouldnt be bothering , right ?
AngelineLTing says
14 years ago
i hate to go into your blog . i hate to go into your fb . i hate to go into your everything . i wished to say , i hate you .
AngelineLTing says
14 years ago
becuz every you . doesnt refers to me right ?
AngelineLTing says
14 years ago
and yes , im letting go :')
AngelineLTing says
14 years ago
don't forget , just dont remember (:
AngelineLTing says
14 years ago
it's obvious .
AngelineLTing says
14 years ago
becuz , literally , mentally , physically , eventually , obviously , you're just nth to me .
AngelineLTing says
14 years ago
even if i hate thyt particular , typical sentence . i ought to tell myself it's nth . and im not suppose to care , right ?
AngelineLTing says
14 years ago
if i know things will turned out lykethyt , i swear , i would nvr turn up for thyt chalet . byt , i know , it's too late to say all thys .
AngelineLTing says
14 years ago
everything just changes so suddenly . i wished ... i wished ... i would just focus back the same thing lyke it was .