36Friends 25Fans
female Great Britain (UK)
I'm Abigailee, 5 years old and i live in the virtual world Second Life.
I love shopping, pretty pictures and making friends.
If your a SLer like me, please do friend me or IM me inworld would love too meet you!
Abigaile says
13 years ago
Gonna go play some Zoo Tycoon 2, see you all in a little while (wave)
Abigaile shares
13 years ago 12
My New Profile Piccy! https://images.plurk.com/115d5f44485452dbb7d87fa91fd887aa.jpg
Abigaile says
13 years ago 2
Got myself a new skin from Pink Fuel, so making a profile piccy in PS :-D
Abigaile says
13 years ago 4
Morning everyone (wave)
Abigaile is
13 years ago 8
gonna apply for a sales rep position at a photography studio in SL, wish me luck!!
Abigaile is
13 years ago 2
Gonna watch Some Doctor Who i thinks, i'll see you all in a little while (cozy)
Abigaile shares
13 years ago 9
Me and My Mommie :-Dhttps://images.plurk.com/04263e1ab7563caba868628c59af13d7.jpg
Abigaile says
13 years ago
Morning Plurkers!!
Abigaile says
13 years ago 1
going too bed everyone, ni ni!!
Abigaile says
13 years ago 4
Just watching Britians Got Talent, back soon everyone!