51Friends 11Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
AcoLee says
12 years ago
一早娘娘又在咆哮... 真是個充滿精力的早晨吶 XDD
AcoLee says
13 years ago
AcoLee says
13 years ago
I'm fat. But I'm gonna be even FATTER. well... I suppose I could live with that (only in ITALY!!)
AcoLee loves
13 years ago 1
Angelina Jolie OMG! I don’t care who says what, I just love the way she is! So elegant…
AcoLee thinks
13 years ago
Is this a year for RIO and Natalie Portman? sooooo many movies about Rio / have her!
13 years ago 3
終於... 狠下心動刀讓 Celine 剪了瀏海 :-)
AcoLee 喜歡
13 years ago
Sheldon: Red is angry. Yellow is frightened. Green is jealous. And blue is depressed. Perhaps we can assign a color to lonely - TBBTS04E22
13 years ago
狂笑! 我的媽啊! 這集 Awesome 一臉無辜的又滿臉笑意的解釋 Las Vecas 整個太搞笑了啦! 還 City of Scene 咧~
AcoLee 覺得
13 years ago 2
我沒救了... 小花剛剛說我臉「碰皮」... 2個禮拜胖5kg的報應... 但我整個沒有辦法節制我的食慾欸 XDD
13 years ago
我想我懂你了親愛的身體...(搥胸後手指buddy buddy貌) 是說11:30pm睡就會2.3am醒 & 1:30am睡就會5:30am醒, 唯獨12-1am睡才會6am醒... 所以如果我真的無意如此早起, 那爬上床的時段還得好好把握才是 XD