6Friends 2Fans
male Utrecht, Netherlands
Alagon says
14 years ago 2
Alagon says
14 years ago 5
我竟然翻到了,媽媽當年塞給我的兩百塊新台幣 :'-(
Alagon says
14 years ago
Alagon says
14 years ago
Always a little advanture taking a train between AMS and Utrecht. If you find yourself in the middle of chaos, you are so going to be late.
Alagon says
14 years ago 2
Have a hard time sleep tonight. What is worse, after falling a sleep, I got phone call from me hotel: there are 6 police officers show up.
Alagon shares
14 years ago
Predators Trailer the bad ass alien hunter is coming back this summer!! (dance)
Alagon loves
14 years ago
Oh crap, I just feel so lazy (ill) to work today. According to Dutch mentality, am so eligible to go home and take the day off right away.
Alagon loves
14 years ago 2
Just found out my favourite cook in my hotel share the same birth date as I am, what a coincidence. That explains why we are both dirty boys
Alagon loves
14 years ago 2
2 more days of work then I am off to go!! Back to the Chinese speaking land!! Flying away and home coming after almost 3 years here!!
Alagon hates
14 years ago
Wow, another 16 hours of sleep during my only real day off of the week. Great job! Lazy me!