2Friends 2Fans
male Melbourne, Australia
AlexZ13 says
13 years ago 2
RIP CUrly... i will be damn missing you over here~~~!! :-( :'-(
AlexZ13 says
13 years ago 2
Ok left bit to go... have to get it sort it out and get it done...
AlexZ13 says
13 years ago
going to start my work now... continue~~!!!
AlexZ13 wants
13 years ago
Now wish and hope for the best.. there's nothing I can do more...
AlexZ13 says
13 years ago 2
so much wanna give up... it's really hard... haihZzz why har.. why can like that de?
AlexZ13 says
13 years ago
why keep on error and hang.. hopw am i going to do my stuff?
AlexZ13 says
13 years ago 3
aigoo..... Stressed~~!!!! up and down; front and back.. which way should i go?
AlexZ13 says
13 years ago 1
is this the fate that i'm going to have? haha
AlexZ13 says
13 years ago
This time head really big de... AIGOOO~~~~ STRESSED!!!
AlexZ13 says
13 years ago
go go go... siennessest