Amal Syaza
5Friends 10Fans
female Brunei Darussalam

That's all you need to know!
Amal Syaza is
13 years ago
going to spend tonight and tomorrow w Fauzi. He surprised me by coming to my house today! I didnt know he's back from Temburong! (cozy)
Amal Syaza says
13 years ago
first day of work, tomorrow. (woot)
Amal Syaza
13 years ago
sat for a written test tadi. It was ha-ha-ha-hard! (annoyed)
Amal Syaza says
13 years ago
I hate your job. NUFF SAID.
Amal Syaza says
13 years ago
I've been sick! (sick)
Amal Syaza
13 years ago
"Sehebat mana pun ancaman manusia, tak akan jatuh sehelai rambut pun tanpa izin Allah SWT."
Amal Syaza says
13 years ago
Amal Syaza
13 years ago
Tomorrow's plan is to clran up my room before Fauzi comes over and run his spot check! (tongue)
Amal Syaza is
13 years ago
out having lunch w cousin
Amal Syaza says
13 years ago
weird symptoms!