not done with plurkin yet, a lot going on in my life rn and I'm f'in happy.
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
i fucked up on the exam : p
im about to enter an important exam which practically will play a role with the university i want to go. idk why but i feel like im gonna fail this year too. i just know im not a smart man. I draw tho
just thought about my sleep schedule being slightly bad and how it started, and i think i have been this way when im a toddler too, my dad used to take me short night drives in the back seat when i
who knew cutting my thinning hair was gonna be a huge positive outcome for my mental health
That random downgrade when sketching is the reason for my thin hair.
never watched the show but behzat ç. gives an oddly similar vibe to harry du bois.