132Friends 116Fans
male Minneapolis, MN, United States
35, ColdFusion/Flex developer, founder of great conference things and quester for World Potentate status. Married to armchairangel.
ArmchairDeity says
14 years ago 4
Vive la fromage!!
ArmchairDeity says
14 years ago 1
I wouldn't fucking have to if game publishers weren't a mob of pissass douchebags
ArmchairDeity has
14 years ago 3
0 karma and is proud of it! Or something.
ArmchairDeity is
14 years ago 3
now 37 days sans tobacco or nicotine of any kind.
14 years ago
cf.Objective call for speakers is open, please go to and submit your topics!
14 years ago 8
And so begins week two of nicotine-free living. I feel great, but the grumpies and the sweats continue to a small degree.
ArmchairDeity shares
14 years ago 4
Jason Mraz - Love for a child Am I the only one who hears a LOT of Freddie Mercury in Jason Mraz's influences?
ArmchairDeity has
14 years ago 4
just added a new artist to his top ten favorite acts: Jason Mraz. Yeah, cuz he's swingin', sweetheart.
14 years ago 5
Blogging again at, and trying to think of a contest to get someone to skin it for me.
14 years ago 3
now owns a Canon 7D, 2 L-series lenses, a 580EX and a Manfrotto tripod. I better go take some pictures, eh?