19Friends 13Fans
Hastings, Great Britain (UK)
Professor Falcon, The Dark Unicorn of New-Babbage.
Avariel_Falcon is
6 years ago
Sleeping ^_^
Avariel_Falcon is
6 years ago
Updating Plurk settings and stuffs
Avariel_Falcon is
6 years ago 5
Looking at the dusty Plurky place
8 years ago 4
The Kitty killed me! Again! sighs
8 years ago 2
Soon... Pondering Fantasy Faire 2016... Fantasy Faire 2016 #flickr https://flic.kr/p/Fm8AgE
Avariel_Falcon is
8 years ago 8
changing the Plurk profile! Yay!
Avariel_Falcon is
8 years ago 3
getting ready for wild and woolly weather!
Avariel_Falcon is
8 years ago 4
Wandering about befuddled
Avariel_Falcon shares
9 years ago 1
No Draxtors were harmed in the making of this image https://www.flickr.com/photos/avarielfalcon/18877983004/