Any suggestions for a good video for administrators on digital citizenship?
At Airport getting ready to head to Denver for ISTE 2010!
At AzTEA retreat, what are your ideas for helping us Lead the Way.
So, what would you say are must read articles/readings/websites/things to do for administrators and future administrators
...and encourage new settings for teaching and learning. (3rdTeacher)
Support Great Teachers
Free teachers from the traditional desk at the front of the classroom...
Shuffle the deck: Change up the locations of regular activities so children can explore new surroundings with their bodies and their minds.
Need REALLY simple way for novices to take cell phone photos, tag, and post to common location (hopefully without having an account). Ideas?
Whoo Hooo - Grading done, now I can get ready for my summer classes
No funding for #edtech? No prep for 21st century. Fund #EETT at $500m