15Friends 7Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
I love girls in:
•school uniforms
•maid dresses
•bunny suits
•swim suits
•gym clothes
•cat suit

I love girls who are:

I love the collect:
•doujins! (I got 200+ so far)

Balt says
15 years ago
I will not stop looking for it....
Balt says
15 years ago
Theory of Equivalent Exchange
Balt says
15 years ago 2
For heaven's sake I know you're sorry but you won't stop crying
Balt says
15 years ago
I thought I could live in your arms and confess all my faith with you
Balt says
15 years ago
I thought we could wait for the fireworks
Balt says
15 years ago
I swear that you don't have to go
Balt asks
15 years ago
How does he feel? How does he kiss? How taste while he's on your lips?
15 years ago
kakatamad mag plurk :-D
15 years ago
la la la la la