Im using the comp in the staffroom. Hoohoohoo. Jealous? Kidding lah. Who will jealous.
now in sku. HOOHOO. im camping in the staffroom. :]:]:]
Walao, kerry so BHB sia. KNNBCCB.
HOHOHO. i'm happy cos i kiap a toy from the machine at tz. LALALA. first try sia.
Spamming is bad and stop being a country bumpkin, so sua ku sia. Stupid leh. Read ur posts feel like LOL-ing cos its so goddamn retarded.
HOHOHO. i'm happy cos i kiap a toy from the machine at tz. LALALA. first try sia.
Jessica just got stalked by kerry.
Watching The Terminal. Watched before liao. But feel like watching again. Channel 5.