1Friends 5Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Bomaa is
15 years ago
I missed the wedding ceremony :-o
Bomaa is
15 years ago
Congratulation! Lucie and Darren got married :-D
Bomaa is
15 years ago
I am very sleepy now :'-(
Bomaa is
15 years ago
Just back from vacation and had to work today (woot)
Bomaa is
15 years ago 1
Can't wait for vacation :-D
Bomaa is
15 years ago
Happy April fool's Day (woot)
Bomaa is
15 years ago 2
What else should I shop before my trip to Taiwan? :-o
Bomaa is
15 years ago 1
It is Sunday already! :-(
Bomaa is
15 years ago 2
I finally saw twilight tonight! very teenager-ish movie :-))
Bomaa is
15 years ago 2
ready to go shopping !