0Friends 7Fans
male Cleveland, OH, United States
BudPerry says
13 years ago
World Water Day! - Today is World Water Day.  My buddy Erin Huber has put together a great program involving student ow.ly/1bTb61
BudPerry says
13 years ago
Native Plant Sale - I got this email and thought I would pass it along. Hello all, Please forward to anyone who mig... ow.ly/1bOwD8
BudPerry says
13 years ago
Why I still boycott BP, and hate big oil - If you watch the ads on TV, then the spill in the Gulf is no big deal.  I... ow.ly/1bJTwA
BudPerry says
13 years ago
Getting to Zero with E4S and Wal Mart - Tuesday is the next E4S meeting.  The focus for this month's meeting is wast... ow.ly/1bI4e4
BudPerry says
13 years ago
It's that time of year again - 35th CIFF Important Dates MARCH (Pre-CIFF) Fri, March 4th ? CIFF Member Ticket Sales ... ow.ly/1bG1ke
BudPerry says
13 years ago
Film Festival Preview in Akron - Do your friends a favor and share this with them! ow.ly/1bF17A
BudPerry says
13 years ago
Total Greenwash Batman! - A while ago I wrote a post called "marketing mistakes" and mentioned how a wallpaper compa... ow.ly/1bE1zp
BudPerry says
13 years ago
Guest Post from Krista Peterson - This is a guest post from a loyal reader.  Enjoy and if you would like to write a ... ow.ly/1bzoxC
BudPerry says
13 years ago
Cleveland Is Where The Heart Is - This is a guest post by Joe Baur.  Joe is a native Clevelander who has lived in ma... ow.ly/1bqlGo
BudPerry says
13 years ago
Recycled and Organic enters the mainstream - Just a decade ago, in order to find a natural, organic or product from ... ow.ly/1bmY1v