15Friends 138Fans
female Littleton, CO, United States
I enjoy literature, it is my forte. I'm going to get into Journalism, and hopefully work up from there. I adore music. I try to be healthy. I have strange views, according to most.

Just talk to me.
CRGolden says
14 years ago
CRGolden thinks
14 years ago
that Colorado needs to make up its mind. It was nice and warm yesterday morning, then cold all night, and when I wake up, snow. I hate snow.
14 years ago
really needs a better sleeping schedule...
CRGolden thinks
14 years ago
that sleep is in order...
CRGolden says
14 years ago
yay for sleeping in an extra hour, just because you can't bear to move yet.
14 years ago
Homework is greatly displeasing.
CRGolden is
14 years ago
not amused.... People displease me.
14 years ago
basically had the best day ever.
14 years ago
*Grumbles.* Silly people who don't run on nocturnal schedules.
CRGolden has
14 years ago
1412 words done for the night on Attica. Hopefully more will follow.