3Friends 117Fans
male ON, Canada
Well, haii, I'm James. Nineteen years old, livin' in Ontario, Canada, and I'm pretty awesome, not gonna lie. Get to know me, yehh? ;]
15 years ago 1
rofl totally forgot i even had this site :x
CaptainJames is
15 years ago
watching Bolt for the second time; It's so adorable. >;]
CaptainJames is
15 years ago
actually gonna try to get a good nights sleep. :]
CaptainJames wonders
15 years ago 1
why technology has to hate him. Laptop's officially fucked. >_<
15 years ago
watched The Orphan last night. That was one freaky movie. Quite sadistic, I loved it. >:-D
CaptainJames thinks
15 years ago
Zach Galifianakis is officially one of my favorite comedians. x]
CaptainJames is
15 years ago
getting reading to watch The Orphan. Apparently it's heaps good. I'm excited. O:
CaptainJames is
15 years ago
gonna see how long Jessica and I can talk without getting sick of each other. Old record: 17 hours. ;]
15 years ago
mmm, Honey bunches and oats cereal if fucking delicious. O:
CaptainJames is
15 years ago
so fucking bored and wishes Kylie would get heerrreee. :[