5Friends 2Fans
male Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I have a fun and outgoing personality. I love to travel and explore various cultures and meet people. I love to work out!
Jaytacos is
10 years ago
back here! So empty....
Jaytacos wants
10 years ago
to hit the gym! :-o
16 years ago
felt bored during Twilight. zzzZ X-(
Jaytacos is
16 years ago
juggling between work n mapling at the same time
Jaytacos is
16 years ago
going to Chili's for dinner! Yeah! :-D
Jaytacos is
16 years ago
sighing a relief after finishing typing 546 names!!
Jaytacos is
16 years ago
frustrated after typing 521 names!!! :'-(