68Friends 67Fans
female Sydney, Australia
Thirteen. Still learning to be a human. Love to make quotes. Discover my own world. 3 things i had crush on : smile, photography, and the blue sky. (taser_okok)
What if the Nyan Cat was Fat?!!! [original]
12 years ago
Reading the articles about Dakota Rose, the living barbie. She is mysterious, cute, and interesting. Check it out! :-))
12 years ago 4
hi, everyone! i'm back~
12 years ago 2
nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan
12 years ago
Dreams make you believe. try make you success. study make you know. and live make you understand.
12 years ago 2
i adore Nyan Cat. How about you?
13 years ago
it's better to listen what people mind of you to introspect yourself.
13 years ago
Awake is the new sleep.
13 years ago
Breakfast gives you energy for learning. Lunch gives you spirit for smiling. While dinner gives you sweet dreams.
13 years ago
making enemies doesn't mean lost a friend, but it means to make a new challenge.
13 years ago
flawless clouds in the sky are enchanting.