11Friends 82Fans
female Chatham, Great Britain (UK)
busy mum, part-time student and employee in the education field. Chocolate muncher, sun lover, music and book lover, budding gardener, Flickrer, Blogger, Twitterer and Facebooker.
Choccieaddict is
15 years ago 9
down-scaling and Plurk is getting the chop. You can still find me/follow me on Facebook though. It's been nice Plurkin' with y'all (bye)
Choccieaddict is
15 years ago 7
not enjoying being a one car family...up at 5am Monday to Friday and more taxiing than usual! And this morning it was thick ice to deal with
15 years ago 8
wonders what the world is coming to when GCSE students aren't allowed to bring their textbook home to revise from. Thank goodness
Choccieaddict is
15 years ago 8
not impressed that her gas bill standing order is going up by £15pm. Tumble dryer broke this year so eleccie bill stays the same!
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago 6
I accidentally 'overwrote' tabs that automatically open in Firefox,does anyone know if there is anyway of reverting back to them?(annoyed)
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago 6
morning! Up early to drop hub at the station as he's sold his car and doesn't want to risk driving it. Also first day of new job!
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago 46
morning all. Rightly or wrongly I'm probably going to be spending most of the day preparing to help Sam revise for his chemistry exam
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago 17
phew. Mammoth ebaying episode almost over, the end is in sight. It's bloomin' time consuming! :-)
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago 1
just discovered GCSE Bitesize website has videos for revision! Might be just the thing for my son (who is struggling with enthusiasm for
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago 7
morning. Off to Ikea today. Cheap (and nasty!) breakfast there and then on to Costco.