13Friends 5Fans
male Philadelphia, PA, United States
CooperDrammond wonders
13 years ago 2
is there a 12=step program for my eBay addiction? yikes! that li'l bish in Florida just overbid me again! that rug will be MINE!!
CooperDrammond says
13 years ago 2
news sez I may lose elctric for 5 to 7 days!!! OMG I'm moving into my car!!
CooperDrammond is
13 years ago 1
OMG Now got tornadoes just a few miles south too..I shoulda taken the earthquake more serious..I'm sorry God, I'll stop doing...well..U Know
CooperDrammond is
13 years ago 2
Philly Mayor on the news says to evac, next story is all mass transit closed & major hwys closing 1 by 1 we sposed 2 evac.We trapped!
CooperDrammond is
13 years ago 5
gonna fly off to see the wizard in a few hours...imgonnadie!!!! damned Irene
CooperDrammond is
13 years ago
(cont) locked in at 9PM and let out at 5AM...I tell you all about it if I am able to (LOL)
CooperDrammond is
13 years ago
going ghost hunting with his crazy pals this weekend at the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum (google it & check it out) we will be
CooperDrammond loves
13 years ago
un-won contests that let me get awesome concert seats att he last minute-Citizen Cope, next we come!!! YAY!!!