7Friends 2Fans
male under your bed, Canada
Cuhal says
14 years ago 3
OK damn have to start this back up lol my Krama is almost back at zero lol
Cuhal feels
14 years ago 1
so happy his daughter does not need to have an operation
Cuhal wants
14 years ago 3
everyone that Carii ever gave a pic to in SL to go thru their inv and send a copy back to her so we can help rebuild her collection
14 years ago 4
update my daughter is home now sleeping and now the tests begin
Cuhal has
14 years ago 4
just gotten back from the ER my daughter had a seizure. She is ok they are keeping her for the night :-(
Cuhal has
14 years ago 17
sadly just some across his first time being called gay in a hateful way and to kick someones ass now grr
Cuhal is
14 years ago 7
geting dizzy so many plurks
Cuhal is
14 years ago 3
the worse plurking in the worls lol
Cuhal is
14 years ago 1
trying towake up, but it isn't working
Cuhal needs
14 years ago 8
plurk more but lol is too lazy