One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life:�That word is
love.�~ Sophocles ~
I think my new favourite hobby is reading moronic comments on youtube videos, thoroughly amusing!
Rocking out to DEVO! gosh I luv the 80's
Today feel uber efficient, here is to making sure it stays that way! #goodfeeling #efficiency
Doing the yearly clean install.
Damien Rice touches me in places that I did not know existed. He is a lyrical genius.
I sure hope that The Gates does not get canceled.
I saw Knight and Day last night, it was really well done. Viola Davis! I love that lady in a suit. She b fierce! #movies #film
Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves for we shall be constantly amused.
Sometimes happiness arrives in the most ugliest of packages. Absolutely hideous!