David Hess
71Friends 183Fans
male San Diego, CA, United States
Interactive Contact

Forum: onthisrock.freeforums.org
email: [email protected]
Blog: DavidHess.blogspot.com
Twitter: Twitter.com/DavidHess
Byzantine Catholic deacon, husband of 29 years father of three. Two daughters and one son.
David Hess says
15 years ago 3
Has the Ark of the Covenant been found? insidecatholic.com/Jooml...
David Hess says
15 years ago
God's creation, good or bad? onthisrock.freeforums.or...
David Hess says
15 years ago 3
Can't say "Jesus" at UCLA Graduation Speech, www.christiannewswire.co...
David Hess says
15 years ago 23
Guns in church? www.foxnews.com/story/0,...
David Hess says
15 years ago 4
Juan Diego Relic to visit AZ www.speroforum.com/a/193...
David Hess says
15 years ago 3
Vatican clarifies Obama: http://www.ncregister.co... (lmao)
David Hess says
15 years ago 6
Okay, I admit it. I'm an American Idol fan. Do you think the recent decision has to do with "lifestyle" as opposed to talent?
David Hess says
15 years ago
35 at night yesterday. Now it's going to be 80. Nice day, no excuse not to stain the deck--but still looking. (lmao)
David Hess says
15 years ago 3
Obama and 'Real' Catholics article.nationalreview.c...
David Hess says
15 years ago 8
France's First Lady critical of Pope; www.telegraph.co.uk/news...