3Friends 0Fans
Madison, WI, United States
Disneyfan19 says
6 years ago
Things are not going well for me today.
Disneyfan19 hates
6 years ago
Being poor.
Disneyfan19 hopes
6 years ago
That a cure for lupus and a cure for Sjögren’s syndrome is found soon, so my mom’s body can stop attacking itself. :-(
Disneyfan19 hates
6 years ago
When people don’t listen to me. (p-angry)
Disneyfan19 writes
6 years ago
Disneyfan19 asks
6 years ago
What is the purpose of the phase most kids go through where they pretend they can read even tho they are pre-readers? I skipped that phase; I just picked up a book one day and figured it out, so I didn’t need to pretend-read. As a result, I don’t understand that phase, and I think that’s why it makes me feel a little (p-angry) when kids do it.
Disneyfan19 wonders
6 years ago
Why do people hang onto things that have become dangerous?
Disneyfan19 thinks
6 years ago
When someone says a word, listening to the whole word is important.
Disneyfan19 wants
6 years ago
some people to just take a break from annoying behaviors.
Disneyfan19 thinks
6 years ago
Everything’s mine. My fault, my job, my duty, my chores, my problem, my responsibility, my issue, my concern, my troubles, my debt, my failure...