3Friends 0Fans
Madison, WI, United States
Disneyfan19 wants
6 years ago
Nature to hurry up with the whole ankle-healing thing. C’mon! Let’s go! (p-angry) (annoyed) (:
Disneyfan19 gives
6 years ago
You a link to an ad from 2008 advertising Kid Check, in case you’re still confused about why Chuck E. Cheese’s does this for some reason: 2008 CEC "Kid Check Stamp" Commercial
6 years ago
First I have a nightmare, then I wake up drowning in my own spit. I think my airways are clear of spit now, but I hope the rest of my day goes better.
6 years ago
I wish there was such a thing as artificial sleep or something. It would give us insomniacs the sleep we need even if no meds could totally fix it. Like just spray the artificial sleep in your face and become instantly well-rested.
Disneyfan19 says
6 years ago
It’s okay, it’s not okay, it’s okay, it’s not okay...
Disneyfan19 thinks
6 years ago
I just sprained my ankle. Ow owie ouch ouch!
Disneyfan19 thinks
6 years ago
I missed a couple spots when I put sunscreen on today. (p-doh) Owie skin. (p-crying)
Disneyfan19 feels
6 years ago
Tired as all heck.
Disneyfan19 wonders
6 years ago
Why some people are into stupid stuff.
Disneyfan19 is
6 years ago
Bored and lonely because it’s my day off.