Drew VeauDeau
125Friends 27Fans
male LA, United States
I'm a goofball, fun loving, dork who loves decorating and shopping. I have random moments of building followed by weeks of A.D.D. I'd like to think I'm fairly friendly and approachable, but I am fiercely protective of my loved ones.
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago
Pretty proud of how this is coming together, considering I made my own chevron texture last night http://grabilla.com/04905-269796a0-8ce3-4d92-9e96-e2a51ff413be.png
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago 19
ElviHartley I NEED TO PICK YOUR BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plzthnx
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago
Stick 'em Up! Only in 'Murica could you find the first "toy" gun.
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago 8
http://grabilla.com/04903-7c8b0bea-ab6e-4e2f-9d1b-e0e842e8c4f1.png Sometimes, my decorating abilities make me laugh.
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago 8
http://grabilla.com/04902-3cb060e3-ff75-4713-aa51-07ed5525faae.png THIS IS BULLSHIT! I CAN PLAY IT AN HOUR AFTER MY BEDTIME! FUCK YOU SIMS 4!!!
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago 7
Resisting the urge to the one of the first few people in the Arcade this round. So far.. so good
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago 4
I don't always go house shopping, but when I do I leave my pants at home http://grabilla.com/0481f-25a5019f-547c-460e-92b4-857a2e3bdaab.png
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago 10
Downloading Sims 4 so I'll be all ready for launch day!
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago
Its dark and rainy today. All I want to do is sleep, but I got no time for a nap
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago 2
https://www.facebook.com... For all my penguin friends.. or my friends like just like super cute baby animals