28Friends 29Fans
female Cincinnati, OH, United States
I spin, knit, raise chickens and spoil my four dogs. I spend way too much time on Ravelry. I'm trying to do more writing and have three (neglected) blogs for various aspects of my life. IRL I'm also an editor and writer for a Franciscan publisher.
EditKnitBook is
16 years ago
listening to the Packers Bears game on Sirius.
EditKnitBook has
16 years ago 3
been a sadly delinquent plurker. This is what happens when I take plurk off my home page. Maybe I back now?
16 years ago
apologizes to her plurk friends for going missing this weekend.
EditKnitBook shares
16 years ago
Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama
EditKnitBook shares
16 years ago
One vote for change cast in Ohio. BofE was doing a pretty brisk business.
EditKnitBook wonders
16 years ago
when she'll wise up and quit reading blog comments in the local paper. (doh)
EditKnitBook shares
16 years ago 1
This made me laugh way too much. I Have A Big Head and Little Arms Repeat!
16 years ago 1
emerged unscathed from a meeting she nearly forgot. Whew!
16 years ago 3
celebrated the first cool October day with oatmeal.
EditKnitBook wants
16 years ago
her blue karma back. Throw nanners plz?