11Friends 14Fans
male Dewy Rose, GA, United States
EdwardMoore likes
15 years ago
Twitter and you can always get me there...
EdwardMoore wonders
15 years ago
Just added another fan
EdwardMoore wonders
15 years ago
adding some new people on social sites
EdwardMoore wonders
15 years ago 2
if you like Plurk or Twitter better???
EdwardMoore wishes
15 years ago
everyone a Happy and Wonderful Sunday!
EdwardMoore is
16 years ago
Happy Holidays to all!!! I have to get off here for now...
EdwardMoore is
16 years ago
I hope everyone will have a very Happy Holiday Season and a very prosperous 2009!!!
EdwardMoore is
16 years ago
checking out Plurk again...it isn't as easy to deal with as Twitter
EdwardMoore is
16 years ago
it's late and I need to get into bed...need to get up earlier tomorrow
EdwardMoore is
16 years ago
this is nothing like Twitter...looks very cumbersome...