♥ Eli3 ♥
391Friends 350Fans
female Taiping, Malaysia
an ordinary girl who just hope happy everyday with friends,family and my partner~
♥ Purple
♥ My family
♥ My dear

♫ Bloggie ♫

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[email protected]
♥ Eli3 ♥ feels
14 years ago 5
hungry!!! but i'll wait until morning to take my breakfast at oldtown with Jaczie~~ :-))
♥ Eli3 ♥ feels
14 years ago 1
♥ Eli3 ♥ feels
14 years ago 3
so hungry, waiting dear for dinner....
♥ Eli3 ♥ says
14 years ago 3
6pm dinner, McD....but now i already feel hungry, sigh....
♥ Eli3 ♥ says
14 years ago
people treat u rudely doesn't mean u have to treat back people rudely, treat them back politely and let them know what is manners!
♥ Eli3 ♥ says
14 years ago
wah...have been long time din update my plurkie d.... :-))
♥ Eli3 ♥ says
14 years ago 1
yeah, exam finish, nice~~
♥ Eli3 ♥ says
14 years ago 3
still doing assignment.....
♥ Eli3 ♥ says
14 years ago 1
heavy rain....
♥ Eli3 ♥ says
14 years ago
happy new year to all of u~~