[RL][mute][vent] slowing down and really taking a breather for tonight, sorry. My mind is going all over the place and I'd be an awful company, I feel like i'm talking too much to eveyone and making a mess of myself.
[positives of the day] since I may need them
[RL] Taking things slow tonight. Having major anxiety for reasons (not related to internet or anything, will list below) but my tags will... be very, VERY slow if any. Right now making dinner and trying to unwind
Weird night where I'm just SO exhausted I can't even sleep. but also too tired to do anythig tht involves brain
[golden peackock) is it even possible to ask the mods for an invitation? I don't really have a large social net around DW anymore
I want to RP gomez addams from the 1977 series... I won't because I have no time and IDK how he'd work in a game with his weird body but MAN
[RP] YOU KNOW WHAT? TAGS TIME, let's see how many I can do before crashing asleep
[RP] Getting to tags later. I need to unwind.