4Friends 4Fans
female Seattle, WA, United States
Ezabelle has
15 years ago
wasted her life on one stupid dream.
Ezabelle is
15 years ago
sick of her little dog jumping off the big bed to chase the cat then insisting on getting back on the bed! WTF YO!
Ezabelle is
15 years ago
trying to get caught up with her reading and not doing a good job of it. Damn SVU!
Ezabelle thinks
15 years ago
Tony should suck it up and not go to the ER... :/ X-(
Ezabelle thinks
15 years ago
snail trails of love are only lovely when the snail is not trying to eat her flesh. That's right, I met a flesh eating snail tonight...
Ezabelle is
15 years ago
so very sleepy
15 years ago
Just passed our (well rally I only drifted off to spleep. The good news, I'll sleep tonight'; the bad news I nodded off and hit my head
Ezabelle shares
15 years ago
angels and airwaves-aol sessions the adventure
Ezabelle shares
15 years ago
angels and airwaves-aol sessions do it for me now
Ezabelle shares
15 years ago
Why - Secondhand Serenade