V Flanagan
265Friends 78Fans
female Second life
"What to do,now that all the porn-shops are closed?"

V Flanagan says
8 years ago
Two more episodes of Coffee Prince and I'm going to have to find a new Dramedy...
V Flanagan says
8 years ago 2
Bento. Whyyyyyy??
V Flanagan
8 years ago 1
Good morning Plurkie people. Happy Humpy!
V Flanagan
8 years ago
V Flanagan says
8 years ago
I think I'm backwards....I did Autumn cleaning today. It's too early to be missing Spring.
V Flanagan says
8 years ago
I will be so glad when this is over.
V Flanagan wonders
8 years ago
How have I missed Tres Chic all this time??
V Flanagan says
8 years ago 10
I have been in SL a very long time- over 9 years. Granted, that is not as long as some. I have seen a lot of people come and go. Recently, I find myself in a very unusual (for me) situation: Seeking purpose.
V Flanagan says
8 years ago