58Friends 79Fans
Genessia City, Genessia, United States
This is the Official Plurk for the Dreamwidth RP game Genessia .

If you need to contact a mod, please check the mod contact page. While one mod may accidentally see a PP, this is only for posting news.
6 years ago 6
6 years ago 2
last day to sign up for curses is TODAY. go here to do so!
6 years ago 34
6 years ago 33
A few people have had questions about this, so we want to note it officially: Please refrain from holding any Halloween day parties. While other festivities are encouraged, there is currently a party up for Gale's birthday here that everyone is invited to & there will be another party on Nov. 8th (masquerade ball).
6 years ago 15
6 years ago 19
character-instated laws have been added to the city's settings pages at the top under 'legal notices.' if a character has instated a law and it is not up there, they need to report it to a moderator please!