3Friends 10Fans
female Berkeley, CA, United States
GenieOfTheLamp asks
16 years ago 1
telemill, looks like it's just us gals, alone in california and nobody to marry us hee hee :-D
GenieOfTheLamp asks
16 years ago
if anybody's heard that buddhist homily: DONT JUST DO SOMETHING, SIT THERE!
GenieOfTheLamp wonders
16 years ago
what happens as my karma falls thru the i die?whod know?HELP I NEED FANS FAST im f a d i n g o u t
GenieOfTheLamp feels
16 years ago
like I stubbed my head!got migraine? or izzit me? ow Doggo keeps barking.from back of my left s him or me,+i clash with BBQ sauce
GenieOfTheLamp says
16 years ago
je regrette d'abimer toutes la gaite mais je dois partir
GenieOfTheLamp wonders
16 years ago
wilt thou some1 give pointers?define timeline,marsupials mine
GenieOfTheLamp wonders
16 years ago
HowNowBrownieCow?Sounds fudged2me.PritheeForgiveMeFarther4IhavePlurked-MyTenderFirst,Fiends+Foes!toPlurkPerchance2CreamAyeTherezTheWub.