17Friends 28Fans
male George Town, Malaysia
Guitarist, Musician, Blogger, University Student, and is at Hobart, Tasmania now!
Glacius says
14 years ago 1
just moved houses not long ago. No internet connection. Great.
Glacius says
14 years ago 1
he's still hunting for jobs -.-
Glacius is
14 years ago
having thoughts on how the next few months is going to be like.. hope all goes well without fail.. sigh
Glacius says
14 years ago
let's call it a day, shall we?
Glacius thinks
14 years ago
this tutors are more awesome than his lecturers. Except for that MILF who's teaching Management. heeheehee xP
Glacius says
14 years ago
he needs a fucking printer. mcb
Glacius says
14 years ago
econometrics.. what mind boggling-ism. -.-
Glacius says
14 years ago
another week at university.. hmmm..
Glacius thinks
14 years ago
of cosplaying as Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3. But no job. So how?
Glacius says
14 years ago
reality really bites.