6Friends 4Fans
male Golden Throne, Nepal
No world shall be beyond my rule; no enemy shall be beyond my wrath.
EmperorOfMan shares
15 years ago 2
thought of the day: It takes a thousand words to condemn injustice, but only one sword to right it.
EmperorOfMan shares
15 years ago
Thought of the Day: The Idleness of One begets the Damnation of Many
EmperorOfMan says
15 years ago 3
Rest ye, sons and daughters, for to the throne, shall I depart, till the Galaxy revolves further, shall I return upon my station
EmperorOfMan says
15 years ago 9
Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane.
EmperorOfMan says
15 years ago 20
Strangely, like a ghostly phantasm of exquisite beauty, doth the stars haunt me so
EmperorOfMan feels
15 years ago 16
My son
EmperorOfMan feels
15 years ago
tis time for Man to rise once more, but to other more pressing matters, my original plans comes first
EmperorOfMan says
15 years ago 1
There is no right or wrong in our profession. The present changes the past from moment to moment.
EmperorOfMan says
15 years ago 20
Let it be proclaimed that I speak from the Golden Throne itself, due to my lack of movement and mighty powers, I am unable to do so normaly