Videogame addict. Loves books and art. Is online far more than is probably good. Has fallen into the Axis Powers Hetalia fandom, with no signs of climbing out yet. Reads and writes entirely too much fanfic, and needs to stay off tumblr.
just remembered that I forgot to make change to do laundry. got plenty of clean clothes, at least. and I can just make change on tuesday though. and I'm off on Friday, yes!
oogh, we have a staff dinner thingy today for Valentine's day, and I made brownies, but there really won't be enough, and I am sorely tempted to just set my alarm, get up early, and hit the store.
@_@ whee. I had a Colt 45 Blast because it's been a long horrible day, but it's been awhile since I had any real booze, so I am really really floaty right now.