This bio is presently under construction. OSHA regulations apply; due to threat of word vomit hurdling from the moderator’s mind, this is strictly a hard-hat area. Caution be advised: Insomniac at work. I foster for Half the Way Home cat rescue.
These guys woke up at 6AM, ate yummy kitty food, played hard on their new cat tower then crashed a little after 8 (one could barely keep his head up long enough to smile for the camera).
revisiting the dangerous streets of Arkham City again, and remembered this pic from the last time I had the gotta-play-video-games itch. Lulu loves watching me play (I think she may have a thing for B-man).
I've shared a lot of pictures of my current fosters, but not any of my shelter-saved babies (well, one will be 5 yrs and the other 3, so they're hardly babies by definition) so final plurk post for the night as
I'd like to get this for my foster kittens, both present and future. All I require is someone buying a print of The Beatles from me. Think of the orphans! Make a kitten happy and donate to the
Gave the new foster kitten a full body bath (opposed to a gentle cloth wipe down), brushed out all knots from head to toe, and learnt that she is a HE. I've decided to call him Bilbo since he reminds me of a
knocked down her friends list from 58 to four; inactive accounts were numerous. I guess they were seduced to the darkside of social media where you don't have to battle karma points if you forget to post daily.