Dear MMOs that use IP tracking for security. FUCKING STOP. It's helpful if its accurate. It is not. 90% of the time I get locked out of my own account because suddenly they don't recognize my address.
The things I learned after replaying the Batman Arkham games: City on NG+ is waaay easier than Asylum on Hard mode. I'm fucking stuck on the second phase of Ivy's fight. FML.
Btw its hot as balls. Fuck you Florida. AC is set to 70. The temp is hanging at 78. Box fan doesn't seem to be helping either. Gonna be a fun time trying to sleep.
Got my full Batsuit in DCUO and all I need to do is farm Batwoman's cape and I am happy. Also I am pleased to find out that I am not as bad as a Controller as I thought I was. Yay low expectations.
So the fan in my room almost caught on fire. There was a burning plastic smell I couldn't pinpoint and then when I conveniently looked at my fan it was sparking.
OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS! So like all these years I thought my right pinky was permanently fucked up from a car door slamming injury. It always stayed bent.
I facepalm when I read a post relating to Bioshock Infinite because of these lines. "The story wasn't that great. I don't understand why blah blah had to happen in the end of the game. I'm not stupid." Really?
Oh hey update. So the new Xbox got revealed. Guess what? I am not impressed with either. Good job Sony and Microsoft. You have managed to both turn me off from console gaming this gen.