18Friends 14Fans
female Belleville, NJ, United States
yeah ..
i'm a girl that adore Blake Colin Lewis .

i'm a big fan of My Chemical Romance .

they're my saviours .

just love them till the end .

really adore Blake and MCR .

i don't care about anything, especially something that can make
HenyColinLewis hates
14 years ago
that news. it made me depressed
14 years ago
pada kenapa nih?
14 years ago
semuanya sama :-(
14 years ago
bused, ternyata karmanya nol
HenyColinLewis hopes
14 years ago
january the best month ever!! yeeaah
HenyColinLewis says
15 years ago
yang seharusnya bete itu gw. bukan lo.
HenyColinLewis says
15 years ago
mau marah? silahkan
HenyColinLewis says
15 years ago
bete banget gw. arrrrgggh
HenyColinLewis says
15 years ago
gw yang punya masalah tapi ade gw yang ribet buat bales tuh orang. makasih yah Ki, gw tau niat lo bae.
15 years ago
kalo jahat di bales jahat, itu artinya gw sama aja kayak tuh orang.