5Friends 15Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
You can call me Keito~! I'm friendly |3 and lurvs to talk to different types of people. But don't cross me I'm a dangerous person. Rawr XD
HimawariChan has
13 years ago 1
been away from plurk for a LONG TIME lolololol
HimawariChan says
15 years ago 1
bloop time for a new job? maybe?
HimawariChan says
15 years ago 8
she told her brother about dating Dani....
HimawariChan says
15 years ago
I am a terrible person.... :-(
HimawariChan says
15 years ago
I really can't take much more. I have no idea what I'm doing anymore.
HimawariChan is
15 years ago 3
soooo proud of her brother. He gave his number to a pretty girl working at the pool. XD d'aawww~~~
HimawariChan says
15 years ago 3
*/////A/////* Died had an amazing night with a amazing kisses
HimawariChan says
15 years ago
Gah mom you're being a such bitch today. >B[
HimawariChan says
15 years ago
YES! I love being yelled at in the morning! not even woken up just yelled. It's an amazing way to start the day 8D FUCK YES!!!
HimawariChan loves
15 years ago 3
how her mom came into the basement where i sleep and turned all the night on and it making tons of noise on the computer. Awesome