103Friends 48Fans
male Bethpage, NY, United States
And I can teach thee, coz, to shame the devil
By telling truth: tell truth and shame the devil.
If thou have power to raise him, bring him hither,
And I'll be sworn I have power to shame him hence.
O, while you live, tell truth and sha
10 years ago 2
Now that we know who you are... I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense, in the comic you know how you can tell who the arch villain is going to be? He's the exact opposite of the hero!
10 years ago 3
Days like this, I like putting my coffee in a viking drinking horn. It definitely sends the right message.
10 years ago 3
Gar and I went blacksmithing over the weekend. I made a twisted S hook for hanging pots over the fireplace. Not bad at all! I learned a lot about finishing metal projects, too.
10 years ago 1
good morning plurkiverse!
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10 years ago 1
I watched the first episode of #Bosch last night on Amazon streaming media. It's clearly going to be a story arc from CITY OF BONES. So far, it's pretty good! Great actor to play Bosch, whoever it is.
Hotspur shares
10 years ago

You are here.
10 years ago 3
I'm quite enjoying the #theStrain. It's gritty, unapologetic and creepy. These are the most invasive vampires ever.
10 years ago 1
Good morning plurkies. I'm fortified with a Keg o' Coffee (made at home), and the corner of a Cadbury bar.
10 years ago
Going to MGEN Greene's funeral at Arlington today.