The Raƶe
20Friends 18Fans
male Gary, IN, United States
「I'm not here
to fit in this world;
I just want to make
a difference.」

Neurodivergent nerd.
Frequent link poster.
Occasional rambler.
Infrequent plotter.
Forever backlog buried.

“I can't explain you to polite company. X,)
You're too dumb.”
The Raƶe
1 years ago 12 @Edit 1 years ago
[LGBT+] Well, this is neat.
The Raƶe
9 hours ago
[The Whole Plate] Still wouldn't call it a comeback—not yet. Shut up.

Comics and manga
Claymore [2001] {Vol. 14-27} ✓
The Immortal Hulk [2018] {Vol. 09-10} ✓

ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ ʟɪɴᴇ
The Raƶe
[The Whole Plate]

Comics and manga
Claymore [2001] {Vol. 01-13}

ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ ʟɪɴᴇ
The Raƶe
This game is dumb.

Sailor Moon S is Broken?!
The Raƶe
3 days ago 15
[Shin Megami Tensei] The next time you ask yourself, "What am I doing with my life?" you can think of it this way: You didn't spend an inordinate amount of time transcribing the lyrics to Nocturne/Lucifer's Call.
The Raƶe
6 days ago
🎮 No one will ever take them down.
The power lies on their si-e-i-e-i-e-i-e-i-e-iiiide〜♪

MMPR: The Movie Soundtrack - Track 01 - Power Ranger...Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind - Full G...
The Raƶe
6 days ago
I Made the PERFECT Pokémon Emerald Romhack!
That… is a lot of changes.