Ivy Delacrux
40Friends 10Fans
female VA, United States
Owner of Victoriana & Co Free Community - Free housing in a family friendly community. Visit us here Pernucini
Ivy Delacrux
1 years ago 4
Wow, it's been years Plurk...I'm still in SL, still offering the free community, but so much has happened in my life...marriage, divorce, marriage...a child! A farm...I'm a crazy parrot lady...Life is wild! If we haven't spoken in a while feel free to reach out in world! Pernucini
Ivy Delacrux
8 years ago
Anyone else really annoyed with the strict guidelines for SL13B this year? I've participated every year since 2009 and this is the first year I've not enjoyed myself because of how much of a chore it's been.
Ivy Delacrux
8 years ago 3
Hi Plurkers, I'm back after a long hiatus on here :-)
Ivy Delacrux
8 years ago
HHVET Victoriana Free Community only has 2 FREE retail shops left! Visit us here to fill out the form to be selected Second Life Maps | HHVET Victoriana And check out the free housing and stables!
Ivy Delacrux
9 years ago
HHVET Victoriana sanctuary is opening it's doors again - and currently accepting pre-registry for our free retail shops.totally free shops with 50 prims. Visit for details!Second Life Maps | HHVET Victoriana
Ivy Delacrux
9 years ago
Looking for a main store location but I don't want a region all to myself - would prefer a commerical/shared space. Anyone know of anything open offering roughly 1k prims or so?
Ivy Delacrux
9 years ago 2
Canterbury Cove RP sim now open! A collaborative effort between 4 friends creates a unique old world town set in modern times with a natural disaster twist! Open to all people and animals. taxi below!
Ivy Delacrux 分享
9 years ago 1
4 beautiful shops available for rent - L$250/wk with 150 prims on sim with nice traffic load. Direct TP into your store!
Ivy Delacrux 分享
9 years ago 1
New HHVET Victoriana Main Store Location!