2Friends 0Fans
female El Cajon, CA, United States
JadeAmara shares
15 years ago
Darth Thriller
JadeAmara hates
15 years ago
work. stupid people who thrive on working proffesionally and NEVER do!
15 years ago
misses her jessi!!
JadeAmara hates
15 years ago
being sick.. again
JadeAmara thinks
15 years ago
guys (not men) suck
JadeAmara thinks
15 years ago 2
she will not plan another party for a long time. (yes jess found out... since the party is saturday... )
JadeAmara hates
15 years ago
stupid men who do not talk when they need to
JadeAmara hates
15 years ago 1
stupid boys who turn a perfectly good convo dirty with one word!!! (except my friends)
JadeAmara wishes
15 years ago
peinters liked printing photos
JadeAmara wishes
15 years ago 1
clients would not cancel LAST minute!!!!