5Friends 3Fans
male Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
宅生尘 says
15 years ago 3
台湾,我来啦!!!!!!!! (woot)
宅生尘 says
15 years ago
after all this while i finally make up my choice. it is very hard for me to say it, but nothing stay the same anymore. [DoA] :-(
宅生尘 feels
15 years ago
reluctant...... :-(
15 years ago
唯有宁静带过分离。。。想安慰,却找不到对白给那空白。。。 :-(
宅生尘 hopes
15 years ago 1
that September will never end!!!! :-D
宅生尘 wonders
15 years ago 1
宅生尘 觉得
15 years ago
我真的很对不起所有的人 :'-(