Back from the tractor pull. Don actually competed, but smartly waited till the last minute to tell me he was. Did good, though.
Training marathon today. Wake me when it's over? Kthx.
Last night's biggest accomplishment? Streaming a Netflix movie though my TV for the first time. Hey, it's the little things...
I-675, closed. Kochville Road, closed. My commute? Extended. Ah, the little joys of summer.
I spent my weekend working, mostly. Wash this, dig that, rake those, organize everything else. Bleh.
We're on the way back home from St.Helen. I raked lots of leaves.
Heading to St.Helen sans Jeep. We're too busy to stick around, so we're just heading up to turn off the heat and check things out, at least.
Half an hour left! I'm crossing my fingers for a Jeepin' trip this weekend.