132Friends 36Fans
female Fiddler's Green, Second life
Living La Vida Victoriana in a steampunk world. Known to be dangerous with firearms, aircraft, carriages, ironclads, movie quotes, and obscure trivia. Investigator, soldier, sailor, adventurer, dancer, hack, smartass, Native southerner
MizJed says
10 years ago 3
Time Warner gets one more chance, since the guy actually replaced the line from the house to the network tap
10 years ago 7
#AgentsofSHIELD it took a while to get going early in the season, but now it all makes more sense...
MizJed is
10 years ago 16
staring at what I just wrote and wonders what to do with it.
10 years ago
#DefianceGame Finally beat Nim Shondu at 1200 EGO rating with a BMG/LMG combo
MizJed was
10 years ago
looking at a book of abbreviations and acronyms, and damned if DoD has an abbreviation and acronym for abbreviations and acronyms.
MizJed says
10 years ago 2
thanks Amazon TV box ad execs. My boss was yelling "Gary Busey" at the projector remote in this morning's meeting. We laughed. A lot.
MizJed says
10 years ago 10
my chair is broken (angry)