63Friends 88Fans
male Cambridge, MA, United States
Contentious Bastard.
JeffLiss says
13 years ago 5
Huh. Plurk is still here. That's cool -- I always thought it was far better than Twitter.
JeffLiss says
14 years ago 1
Priest who had Mass yesterday also teaches at Harvard Divinity School. His take on the Assumption was pretty much what you'd expect. Oy!
JeffLiss says
14 years ago 1
Boy#1 is off to a week of Cub Scout camp. when did he get so big? Seriously. He was no bigger that a loaf of bread like just the other day.
JeffLiss is
14 years ago
Running down checklists and helping boy#1 gear up for a week at Cub Scout camp.
JeffLiss is
14 years ago
At Kung Fu with the boys.
JeffLiss says
14 years ago
I've always been fascinated by Henry Benedict Stuart, the Cardinal Duke of York and the Jacobite succession:
JeffLiss says
14 years ago
At Tweet-up @ John Harvard's Brew House in Cambridge. #cnmc
JeffLiss says
14 years ago
Sitting in parking lot at #cnmc waiting to see if we have any more vomiting or whether it was a one-off. Ahh fatherhood. Wouldn't trade it.
JeffLiss says
14 years ago
Five min be4 we pulled up at CNMC, one of the kids started throwing up. Zina took the other two inside. I'm headed home. Oh well, next year.